(Just came across thus post that I did in Nov. of 2012 when I was amused
by Trump's reaction to Obama's victory. Four years later Trump seems a
lot less amusing and a lot scarier.)
Nov. 7, 2012--Much more fun than following the pre-election debates (yawn!) and the
election night results is reading today's after- election commentary and
Monday-morning quarterbacking on the internet.
Trending now as number one topic on Yahoo is not a search for the breakdown of electoral votes, but the burning question: Was Diane Sawyer drunk? Evidently ABC and her colleagues are saying she was merely exhausted from staying up night after night memorizing election facts and figures. I say, never mind if she was celebrating Obama's win off camera; she still did a great job. I think Diane Sawyer's wicked smart and gorgeous to boot.
Salon has listed the 20 top sore losers after the election results came in and Donald Trump has won first and second place in this race for two tweets , one of which he has deleted after cooling down a little. This is what Salon said about Trump:
(Credit: Salon/Benjamin WheelockAs election night wore on and an Obama victory became more and more likely, conservatives began explaining away the loss for Mitt Romney and other Republicans. On Fox, Bill O’Reilly kicked it off on a sour note, predicting on Fox News: “Obama wins because it’s not a traditional America anymore. The white establishment is the minority. People want things.” Then it deteriorated.
The sorest losers, ranked in order:
1). Donald J. Trump, for his tweet:
He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!
Trump has since deleted this tweet, maybe after he learned Obama would not lose the popular vote.
Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.
Lunch at Mar-a-Lago with the Donald
Someone passed this self-aggrandizing photo on to political blogger Andrew Sullivan, whose blog is Goliath to "A Rolling Crone's" David. When Sullivan posted it, hilarity ensued, but no one knew where the photo came from in the first place until another political blogger, Michael Shaw, traced it back to my humble blog and my pocket digital camera. Suddenly I was getting 3,000 hits an hour--a heady experience for a novice blogger. If you want to read more about the brouhaha, click on
"Somebody's Playing my Trump Card"
Meanwhile I'm going back to search the internet for more sour-grapes tweets from Trump and explanations of Diane Sawyer's slurring. It takes my mind off the rain, sleet and snow in the nor'easter which is fast heading our way. (Now where did I store that snow shovel?)
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